
This site is static, then don’t have posts engine here, but I really like to share knowledge, then always as possible I post articles and talk in open platforms.


All my post and articles are available in English and Brazilian Portuguese in Medium, but I have plans to do new articles at platform.


All my slides of talks are available in Speaker Deck.

Playing with commands on Golang

Talk in Brazilian portuguese: Brincando com comandos no Golang

Golang Santa Catarina community - Remote - Brazil

#tbt of PHP, the evolution of language in last 20 years

Talk in Brazilian portuguese: #tbt do PHP, a evolução da linguagem nos últimos 20 anos

FLISOL Imperatriz 2021 - Remote - Brazil

Automating your deploy with Deployer and Gitlab CI

Talk in Brazilian portuguese: Automatizando seu deploy com Deployer e Gitlab CI

PHP Community Summit 2019 - São Paulo - Brazil

Why migrate your application to microservices?

Talk in Brazilian portuguese: Porque migrar sua aplicação para microserviços?

13º MeetUp DevOps BH - Belo Horizonte - Brazil

From Zero to Openstack

Talk in Brazilian portuguese: Do Zero Ao Openstack

Semana do Linux 2015 - Brazil